
Why “Re:Solutions”?

Therapy is about change. You’re probably visiting this site because you’re looking to improve some part of your life. Perhaps you’ve got depression, or relationship problems, or concerns about drinking, or just a belief that life could be better. Whatever the problem is, it’s something you’ve been trying to change for a while. And what you feel is STUCK.

I work with couples to help resolve the difficulties of life.

RE:Solutions is about getting unstuck.

It’s not about wallowing in the past and what is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. (Don’t we get that message a lot?) It’s about dealing with the present in order to make the future RIGHT.  RE:Solutions is about hope and possibility. It’s about solutions. 

If you have comments or questions, let me know by using the Contact form below. I would love to hear from you. 


Couples Counseling: I have worked with couples for many years, and I am certified as a couples counselor in the nationally-acclaimed Gottman Institute. John Gottman’s work is based on over 30 years research of what makes couples successful (or disasters!), making it unique among the various couples programs out there today. I work with all kinds of couples.

Relapse Prevention/Recovery: I specialize in working with couples dealing with alcohol and drug issues, whether one or both of you are new to recovery or whether you are struggling with old issues/wanting to do better. I can help you address relapse fears, deal with resentment (and numbness), and shift into being more of a team rather than feeling locked up in shame and isolation. Nor is my relapse prevention work limited to alcohol and drugs: I can help you progress in other areas, such as addressing self-defeating habits in sex, anger, or assertiveness.

Affair Recovery: I also specialize in couples who have been shattered by affairs, whether dealing with multiple affairs or online flirtations, whether dealing with recently-discovered affairs or with hurts that still smolder from years ago. Always my focus is on helping you as a couple move towards expressing emotions without pushing each other away; getting clearer about how to speak (and act) out of integrity with each other; and having a sense of healing from the affair(s) – not just hiding the hurt under the rug.

Premarital Consultations: I offer up to three consultations to couples newly committing to each other (usually the first year of falling in love). The purpose of this is not therapy: it is to provide education on how to avoid the common traps that couples can slip into without realizing. (You can think of it as a mini-Gottman workshop for just the two of you, geared to your situation and exploring any concerns you have.)

Possibilities! Tell me what you’re dealing with, and I will let you know in what way I can help you. If I feel my skills aren’t appropriate to your situation, I will let you know.  

Watch this YouTube video below for more about my practice. (I am no longer at the Wallingford address!)

Watch Video

About Re:Solutions

Re:Solutions is the therapeutic work of Ken Fremont-Smith. I work with couples to address many concerns, including relationship improvement, relapse prevention, life growth… Regardless of the particular issue, I always start with WHERE YOU ARE and address WHAT YOU NEED.

I have been working with people for over 38 years – and I love it! You can trust that I will not “burn out” on you.  I will approach your issues with fresh energy, giving you the full benefit of my skills and experience. While therapy is challenging (it’s about change, after all), you will find that you can have fun with it too.




“With Ken’s help we have become more emotionally intelligent and consequently better able to navigate the tides of our relationship. After seven years of living together, we feel ready to get married!”   “Ken has formidable interpersonal intuition – I can’t overstate my enthusiasm for his abilities as a relationship counselor. We will surely recommend him whenever we can.” A.J. and Rob A.  

“Ken uses the right mix of listening, explaining, and questioning. Like a three-legged stool, each is needed for an effective result. Thanks Ken.”   Don and Marie P.

“Ken is a very compassionate and caring therapist. Because of his empathetic nature, he is able to find what works for you as an individual. He’s also great at helping you cut through the bull and get to the heart of the matter! I respect Ken very much, and have grown a lot during my work with him.” anonymous  

“I came to see Ken because I felt stuck in patterns of bad relationships, drug abuse, feelings of incompetence, worthlessness, shame, and depression. From the first session, Ken helped me break out of these patterns; and I feel like I’m living life with energy and purpose. I also came to Ken for couples counseling, where we have been learning and practicing new relationship skills week in and week out. We frequently remark how grateful we are for his guidance and help.” Elliot S.  

“I was directionless. I had ideas, but none made any real sense. And then I began to tell my story to Ken, and his careful listening and gentle directions led me to a confident and growing vision of a fulfilling and rewarding future.” Sam T.  

“My life feels more complete since I have been seeing Ken Fremont-Smith. He gives me the tools and I work with them to make my life whole.” David B. 

“Ken is a wonderfully unique therapist. Through his thoughtful approach, I have discovered a much deeper sense of who I am and how that most effectively works in my life and relationships. Ken has taught me self-awareness methods which I will use for the rest of my life.” Darren T.

“Most important to me is Ken’s approach, which provides a feeling of trust and security. Each session’s work is done as a team, and the result is higher understanding or enlightenment of my realities.” Bryan S.  

“Two things from my experience with Ken make him stand out from the other therapists I have worked with. He doesn’t use labels (such as “depression”) – this has helped me move beyond them and I feel less boxed in. Secondly, Ken’s engagement and commitment have inspired a greater degree of trust than I’ve had with other therapists.” Wendy B.  

“What I found most helpful was your insights, tools, and better coping methods. My trust in myself was intensified. You rock!” S.P.      


I invite you to read my recent publications on the Gottman Institute website.


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Couples Counseling

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